- Human Resources Major
- Sales Representative
- Elementary Teacher 18 years
- Masters in Education
- Teacher Leader
- Entrepreneurer
- Affiliate Marketing Blogger/Promoter
Welcome to HealthFit Way! My name is Matt Kramer, the owner of HealthFit Way website. The blog posts and recommended products on this website are intended to provide advice, resources, ideas and products in the health and fitness niche. Many around the world are continually seeking to improve their overall health and well-being. Personally, I have always been invested in my health and fitness level especially now that I am in my late 40s!
What started me on this journey? When I turned 40 I started experiencing episodes of vertigo, unbalance and tinnitus. The episodes, at first, were quite intense. Gradually, I began to learn how to deal with the episodes through physical therapy. I was able to get back into my normal workout and fitness routine. Through the advice of health care professionals, I began watching what I ate and drank more closely. I was advised to reduce my intake or avoid eating and drinking certain items to help prevent these episodes from happening frequently. I also had to reduce the amount of mental stress I put on myself. Basically, try to avoid the “triggers”. So, to reduce the frequency of my triggers (caffeine, alcohol, and stress), I began to not only eat healthier but also learn to deal with stress. I made it a priority to continue to workout regularly and to learn strategies for dealing with daily stress.
By making these lifestyle changes, I feel more energized and refreshed. My overall well-being and my relationship with my family continues on a healthier path!
I am excited to help you become a healthier “YOU”! Let your journey begin now!